When you have a missing tooth, there is often a visible gap in your smile if it’s a front tooth. Missing back teeth can pose other challenges, including functionality for chewing, bone loss, and an increased risk of gum disease and cavities in your remaining natural teeth. Using dental implants, Dr. Wayne Sutton can restore […]
Cosmetic dental implants are a revolutionary solution for those looking to replace missing teeth and enhance their smile. At Santa Rosa Dentistry and Implant Center, we offer high-quality dental implants that restore functionality and improve aesthetics. This FAQ article will address common questions about cosmetic dental implants and how they can benefit you. Patient Before […]
If you’ve lost one or more teeth due to injury, decay, or disease, you may be seeking a permanent solution to restore your smile. At Santa Rosa Dentistry and Implant Center in Santa Rosa, California, we offer high-quality dental implants to rejuvenate oral health and enhance your smile’s appearance. Led by Dr. Wayne Sutton, our […]
Benefits of dental implants The many benefits of dental implants include the following: